Monday, June 9, 2014

Dirty Dancing

I carried a watermelon.

So this post is going to be about my day with my daughter/sister. I am adopting my sister and she will be my daughter. She is my pride and joy right now (besides my gorgeous girlfriend.)

Today was Nathaniel and Avary Day. She is starting to take and like dance more and more. She will soon be taking private lessons. But I decided to take upon myself to teach her some of the basics, because I started taking dance at the age of three. I do not regret it at all. I have more leg strength than most athletes. So go ahead and call me gay. Most girls dream of a guy who can twirl them like a princess.

So I was teaching her today. She likes learning the cha cha more and more even though that's not the basics. I definitively have a ball room dancer on my hands. She loves learning more complicated moves than basics. Which is frustrating for me and her but we are working through it.

Plus, crazy as it she loves the movie Dirty Dancing.We love watching dancing movies. I like the older ones and not the hip hop bull from today.

Well we had finished practicing today and I decided to treat her since she had really worked hard on her tap and ballet. She was still in her leotard and shoes and I went out in mine leotard and my dancing pants. We were eating our ice dream from Chick fil a in the park. She was playing my iTunes and doing different little dances. I was cracking up at her doing some of those crazy dances.

She was so entertaining she started developing a little audience of parents as their kids played on the playground. And then fate stepped in and "Time of My Life" and I scooped her up and tried my hardest to mimic the dance moves with her from the movie. She was loving it all the way. And then came the moment for her to run into my arms.

We nailed it. She squealed. We both loved that moment. She loved it because I made her dreams come true of doing that dance and I loved it because I realized that I can do this dad thing. Not every day will be like this, no. But the memories of days like today will get me through the hard days. That's what parenting and marriage is all about making sure there are memories that are amazing to get you through the hard times.

Needless to say we got applause and went home very happy.

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