Friday, November 7, 2014


 1. Never be allowed to read the last chapter of a book, but be able to read as many books as you want, OR only be allowed to read one book a year, but be allowed to finish it?
Only one book a year.

2. Read only trilogies OR stand alone books?
Stand Alones

3.Have to start every conversation of your life with a quote from a book OR never remember any quotes and be able to speak normally?
Starting with a quote is something I do sometimes now.

4. Read 5 pages per day OR 5 books per week?
5 books a week

5. Have to steal any book you want to read from the library and not be able to give it back OR have to pay $40 for every book you want to read?
Steal it.

6. Only read your top 20 favorite books over and over OR always read books you haven't read before?
Reread because I like to go over things

7. Have to read 50 Shades of Grey repeatedly for an entire year OR go to every showing of the movie at your local theater for a month?
Reread... All that moaning in the theater? I'll pass

8. Be a librarian OR a book seller?
A book sellar

9. Only read your favorite genre OR every genre except your favorite?
Favorite Genre

10. Choose a very well written book (I'm talking words of gold), with a dull plot OR a very interesting plot written in a way that threatens to make your eyes bleed?
Going with with a way that makes your eyes bleed

11. Would you rather meet your favorite author while making a complete fool out of yourself OR have your most hated book character be your roommate?
I will take making a fool of myself over being stuck the most hated character as a roommate.

12. Be Katniss Everdeen, and get thrown into the games, with no guarantee you'll win OR be Harry Potter, and get thrown into the Triwizard Tournament, with yet again no guarantee of winning?
Harry Potter.

13. Have a pet dragon that accidentally sets things on fire OR a pet parrot that tells people what you really think of them?
Pet parrot - It would be like having Ridge on my shoulder.

14. Be the super villain in a story, and get to survive OR the superhero and die midway?
Depends on what my villainous self is doing. Lol I could see me being a superhero too.

15. Which character do you hate the most?
Bella from Twilight... It's so popular and girls are getting the wrong idea about how to act in life.

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